Quebec’s universities face serious challenges, including research centers that must operate on tight budgets. The number of people making purchases is considerable, whether they are researchers, teachers or students. Therefore, it is very important for the purchasing department of a university to have good control over purchases and expenses.
Like any other educational institution, Quebec universities rely on a close collaboration with their customs broker, who must be able to answer a wide range of import and export questions and meet the specific needs of university purchasing departments.
W2C is proud to serve Quebec’s academic institutions by offering a personalized service. We are sensitive to your specific needs: the urgency of your shipments transported on dry ice, the import of live animals and other products dedicated to research or to the library.
We constantly communicate with your institute to ensure the accuracy of information and the use of your purchase order number, which helps in managing your budgets.
W2C’s expertise in logistics and export of controlled goods will help you provide hassle-free shipments, which are legal and in compliance with export regulations. We can assist you in determining the appropriate mode of transport for your shipment, obtaining the necessary permits and submitting the export declaration.
W2C can train your staff on import and export requirements by delivering tailor-made training at your premises!